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Gathering user data with WiFi marketing platforms

Written by Linkyfi Team | 15/05/2023

It's likely that you'd prefer a cafe that provides complimentary WiFi over one that doesn't. The popularity of guest WiFi has grown significantly in recent years, offering numerous benefits to both customers and businesses that offer the service.


As a result, WiFi marketing solutions have become increasingly popular among businesses seeking to obtain precise user data. By providing free WiFi in exchange for contact information, businesses can collect valuable data that can be leveraged to enhance their marketing strategies. However, it's crucial to adhere to best practices to ensure that the data collected is precise and that the privacy of the user is upheld. 


Here are ten straightforward steps to assist you in gathering precise user data using guest WiFi marketing platforms.


1. Create progressive profiling: Gather one personal/contact data at a time

To avoid overwhelming customers with too many questions, it's important to collect user data one piece of contact information at a time using progressive profiling. This approach increases the likelihood that users will complete the form.


LinkyFi provides you with the freedom to modify customer WiFi access. For instance, you can offer improved internet access to users who provide more detailed information about themselves during the login process. This data can then be utilized to benefit your business.



2. Validate contact data: Email addresses by sending an email with a link, and phone numbers by using SMS

Validating contact information is crucial to ensure its accuracy. This can be accomplished by sending a confirmation email or SMS to verify the provided email address or phone number. Another option is to enable users to log in using their social media accounts, which will automatically validate their contact information.


With LinkyFi, users have several login options available. You can provide social media, email, Google, or questionnaire login options to guests, and can leverage two-factor authentication to restrict access to only those guests who accept their conditions.



3. Get all needed consents: Use the consent editor to obtain all required consents for GDPR or similar acts of compliance

Collecting user data without their consent is illegal under GDPR and other data privacy acts. To comply with regulations, businesses should utilize a consent editor to clearly communicate the terms and conditions of data collection and obtain the user's consent.


When visitors sign into your captive portal to access the internet, they are consenting to share personal data. Along with collecting visitor information such as age, gender, and location, businesses can leverage Linkyfi's machine-learning algorithms to gather user behavior insights. These insights can then be used to improve location operational efficiency.



4. Offer users an incentive: Give a discount or a freebie to users, for providing their contact information 

Providing an incentive in exchange for contact information is an effective method to motivate users to share their details. You can offer discounts, freebies, or access to exclusive content, encouraging users to complete the form. 

For example, you can offer a 10% discount coupon for the user's next purchase or exclusive early access to a new clothing line in exchange for their contact information. This approach increases the likelihood of users providing their details and completing the form.

5. Boost WiFi logins: Provide visible information about free WiFi, such as signage or flyers, to encourage people to log in

Businesses can increase awareness about their free WiFi service by displaying signs or posters in their physical locations and informing customers about the availability of the service. 


For instance, you can put up a sign on your storefront that says "Free WiFi Available," which will catch the attention of passersby and encourage them to come in and log in to the WiFi. This approach can help you to promote your WiFi service and increase the number of users who provide their contact information.



6. Stay connected with your users: Periodically contact them to maintain the relationship 

Linkyfi's marketing campaign editor allows you to maintain a relationship with your customers by creating targeted email or SMS campaigns. By utilizing the consumer data and contact information captured, you can easily provide a wholesome shopping experience with omnichannel marketing both in and out of the store.


For instance, you can send personalized marketing campaigns to specific client groups, reward loyal shoppers with extra offers, or invite non-returning customers back.



7. Create effective marketing campaigns: Use the data collected to target users based on their needs and interests

Analyzing the data collected through WiFi marketing software can help you create targeted marketing campaigns that address the specific needs and interests of your customers. This ensures that advertisements are relevant and personalized, avoiding ineffective campaigns that target the wrong audience.


With LinkyFi, businesses can access real-time and historical data and insights on guests personal data and behaviour within their venue. This allows for highly personalized marketing initiatives, such as email, coupon or SMS marketing campaigns, that are delivered to new and returning visitors at the right time.



8. Identify areas of improvement: Monitor user feedback and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly

To ensure a better customer experience, it's crucial to pay attention to user feedback and make necessary changes in marketing strategies. Through the use of surveys or social media monitoring, you can gather valuable insights and identify areas for improvement.


With LinkyFi's Captive Portal Builder, you can create customizable feedback forms that require users to provide personal data, answer questions, and rate their experience. This allows you to gather feedback in real-time and adjust your strategies to meet the needs and preferences of their customers.

9. Deliver targeted campaigns: Use time-proximity marketing for increased effectiveness

Delivering marketing campaigns in the right context and at the right time is crucial for their effectiveness. WiFi proximity marketing is a useful technique for you to deliver targeted campaigns to users when they are most likely to be receptive.


With LinkyFi, you can create hyper-personalized marketing campaigns for both new and returning visitors. This includes running one-time, recurring, and time-based offers, as well as using self-advertisements to build brand awareness. Our solution is also highly flexible and can learn the location of your visitors to display information in their native language. 



10. Choose a reliable WiFi marketing platform with the tools to gather accurate user data

Businesses should opt for a dependable WiFi marketing platform that equips them with the necessary tools to collect precise user data. Linkyfi is an ideal choice as it provides advanced features like consent editors, progressive profiling, and targeted marketing campaign editors, ensuring accurate data collection and effective marketing strategies. As a public WiFi access management system, it offers secure internet access, captive portal functionality, and valuable customer insights, making it a comprehensive guest WiFi marketing solution for businesses.



Transform Your WiFi into a Marketing Powerhouse

You can turn your WiFi into a powerful marketing tool today with WiFi marketing solutions like Linkyfi. By utilizing advanced features such as proximity marketing, progressive profiling, and captive portal advertising, you can streamline the process of guest WiFi management, data gathering, and marketing automation. It's time for you to enhance customer experience and market your business using WiFi advertising. Contact us to learn more about how Linkyfi can help your business thrive.