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Guest WiFi Marketing Software 101

Written by Linkyfi Team | 20/11/2023

What is WiFi marketing?

Guest WiFi marketing involves providing free WiFi access to visitors, using the login process as an opportunity for the guest WiFi marketing software to gather customer data such as email addresses. This collected data is then utilized for business intelligence, helping businesses understand customer behaviors and preferences. Additionally, the information is used to send targeted promotions and personalized offers to customers, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Both the collecting of the data and the execution of the campaign can be done with one guest WiFi marketing solution or separate systems can be used for each step.

Who benefits from guest WiFi marketing software?

There are many different solutions, platforms and systems for planning and running guest WiFi marketing campaigns. In order to be sure which is the best choice for your business it is advisable to research exactly what options are on the market and how they fit your business needs.

WiFi marketing is highly effective for a wide range of high-traffic businesses, commercial venues and public spaces where people spend considerable time. This includes:

  • Shopping Malls
  • Retail Store Chains
  • Restaurants and Cafes
  • Airports
  • Train Stations
  • Stadiums
  • Event Arenas

How does it work?

From the end-user perspective

  1. Connecting to WiFi: The user selects the venue's free WiFi network on their device.
  2. Captive Portal Login: Upon attempting to access the internet, the user is redirected to a captive portal page.
  3. Entering Information: The user is prompted to enter their first name and email address to gain access.
  4. Internet Access: Once the information is submitted, the user gains access to the internet.
  5. Receiving Newsletters/Push Messages: Subsequently, the user starts receiving newsletters or promotional emails and other types of messages from the venue.

Benefits of WiFi marketing

From the business perspective

  • Enhanced Customer Insights: WiFi marketing allows businesses to gather valuable data on customer data, behavior and preferences, leading to more informed business decisions.
  • Data-Driven Strategy Development: Continuous collection and analysis of customer data through WiFi marketing allows businesses to adapt and refine their strategies for better results over time.
  • Better Online Reviews: A positive experience with WiFi marketing can lead to more favorable online reviews and social media mentions.
  • Personalized Marketing Campaigns: With the data collected, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate more effectively with different customer segments.
  • Increased Customer Engagement: By offering personalized content and promotions through WiFi, businesses can significantly boost customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Improved Customer Loyalty: Personalized interactions and offers can foster customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.

How to Implement WiFi Marketing?

Successfully launching a WiFi marketing initiative hinges on two key components: the right WiFi marketing software and a strategic approach. Here's how to make it work:

1. Selecting Appropriate Access Points: Before diving into the software aspect, it's essential to choose the right hardware. For effective WiFi marketing, you need enterprise-level access points. These are designed to handle a larger volume of traffic and provide more robust and reliable connectivity than standard consumer-grade hardware. For larger venues, it's obligatory to have these access points managed by a controller or cloud service. This ensures efficient management of network traffic and maintains consistent performance across the venue.

2. Choose the Right WiFi Marketing Software: The core of your WiFi marketing strategy is the software you choose. This platform should enable captive portal creation, data collection, and analytics, along with campaign management functionalities.

3. Opt for Linkyfi by AVSystem: Linkyfi by AVSystem emerges as a premier choice for WiFi marketing software. It offers a comprehensive range of features, including advanced data analytics, user-friendly campaign management tools, and versatility in handling different customer segments. The built-in location engine is a game-changer and the cherry on top.

4. Gather and Analyze Customer Data: Utilize Linkyfi to collect and analyze customer data gleaned from WiFi interactions. This data forms the basis for understanding customer behavior and preferences.

5. Create Targeted Marketing Campaigns: With the insights from Linkyfi, develop targeted marketing campaigns. These campaigns can be personalized for various customer groups, enhancing engagement and effectiveness.

6. Leverage Location-Based Services: Linkyfi's capabilities extend to location-based marketing, enabling businesses to send contextually relevant offers to customers based on their location within the venue.

Ok, so let’s do it!

1. Configure Your Access Point: Follow the Linkyfi guide to configure your access point. Contact the Linkyfi team for assistance.

2. Add Your Access Point to Linkyfi: Once configured, add your access point to the Linkyfi platform to integrate it into the system.

3. Create a User Journey: Design the user journey in Linkyfi. This includes defining how users will interact with your WiFi marketing software from start to finish.

a. Develop a Captive Portal: Create a captive portal within Linkyfi. This will be the first point of interaction for users connecting to your WiFi, where they can log in and engage with your brand.

b. Design a Survey: Construct a survey to gather additional insights from users. This can be integrated into the captive portal or user journey.

c. Attach the User Journey to Your Network: Implement the user journey you’ve created on your WiFi network. This ensures that every user who connects will go through the designed experience.

4. Monitor Gathered Data and KPIs: Once your setup is live, start monitoring the data and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through Linkyfi. This will help you understand user behavior and the effectiveness of your setup.

a. Create a Marketing Campaign: Utilize the insights gained from the data to create targeted marketing campaigns. These can be personalized based on user interactions and responses from your WiFi network.

Easy? With Linkyfi, setting up and managing a comprehensive user journey is straightforward and effective.