by: Linkyfi Team

Customer Engagement and ROI Through Captive Portal WiFi

Simulation: Transforming Customer Engagement and ROI through WiFi Captive Portal Registration

Setting the Stage

Consider a hypothetical scenario where a shoe store is exploring new ways to gather customer data, drive engagement, and ultimately boost their return on investment (ROI). The store currently uses a loyalty card system and is contemplating implementing a WiFi captive portal registration.

The Parameters

The store has a customer base of 10,000. On average, each customer buys twice a year from the store, with an average shoe price of $100. The annual revenue generated by the store is $2,000,000 (10,000 customers * $200 per customer).

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The Loyalty Card Scenario

The loyalty card system has a sign-up rate of 10%, resulting in 1,000 cardholders. These customers spend 27% more annually, resulting in an annual spend of $254 per customer or $254,000 in total for all loyalty card holders. However, the store offers a 10% discount to these customers, resulting in a loss of $25,400. Additionally, the cost of issuing the cards is $1,000, leading to a total cost of $26,400.

However, one crucial aspect to consider is the quality of data gathered through the loyalty card system. Data accuracy and validation can be difficult, which may potentially impact the effectiveness of targeted marketing campaigns. Despite these challenges, the net gain from this system, compared to customers not registered to any system, is $27,600 ($254,000 revenue - $200,000 - $26,400 costs).

The WiFi Captive Portal Registration Scenario

Now, let's imagine that the store implements a WiFi captive portal registration system at a cost of $2,000. They also offer a one-time 5% discount to customers registering through the WiFi portal, costing an additional $5,000.

Assuming the WiFi marketing system has a similar uptake to the loyalty cards, 10% of the store's customers (1,000 customers) register through the WiFi portal.

Thanks to the high quality of data collected through the WiFi marketing and well-targeted marketing campaigns, these WiFi-registered customers spend a whopping 39% more annually, a notable increase from the 27% boost seen in loyalty cardholders. This equates to an annual spend of $278 per customer or $278,000 in total for all WiFi-registered customers.

Subtracting the cost of the WiFi monetization platform, the discount, and the baseline revenue from non-registered customers, the net gain from the WiFi registration system is $71,000 ($278,000 revenue - $200,000 - $7,000 costs).

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The Outcome

The simulation reveals that the WiFi captive portal registration system not only facilitates better data collection and instant verification but also yields a better ROI compared to the loyalty card system. The remarkable quality of data gathered from WiFi registration propels customer spending, demonstrating its effectiveness over traditional loyalty card systems. WiFi captive portal registration offers a novel avenue for WiFi monetization.

The simulation presented here uses hypothetical data. While it's intended to showcase potential scenarios and outcomes that may arise from implementing WiFi analytics, actual results may vary depending on a range of factors, including the specific dynamics and conditions of your business environment. It's always recommended to conduct a thorough analysis or consultation before implementing a new system or strategy in your business.

Ready to Transform Your Business with WiFi Analytics?

While the simulation provides valuable insights, your business is unique. To understand how WiFi analytics can specifically benefit your business, reach out to us. Our experts are ready to help with a detailed analysis, customized strategies, and consultation specific to your business needs. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your WiFi.

Ready to Transform Your Business with WiFi Analytics?

While the simulation provides valuable insights, your business is unique. To understand how WiFi analytics can specifically benefit your business, reach out to us.

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