Test the LwM2M interoperability
of your devices


Get your devices LwM2M-ready

Passing certification tests and executing device interoperability tests manually consume a tremendous amount of work and dedicated human resources. Use our automated tests and testing scenarios to quickly check your devices’ network performance, accelerate the certification process and test your device interoperability with network carriers to reduce the time to market of your devices.


How does it work?

Get access to the LwM2M

Get access to the LwM2M interoperability tests or use our editor to create the tests yourself.

Connect your device to the server

Connect your device to the server, run the tests and receive the results in runtime.

download the report

Download the report to get a complete overview of your device’s interoperability with the LwM2M standard.

Check your client implementation

Don't let lack of interoperability or bugs ruin your deployment before launch. Download the test report and use the results to learn how compatible your device is with LwM2M.

Free up your team resources

Thanks to our testing module, you don’t need to waste time on developing your own test suites or maintaining your own infrastructure to check your device’s compatibility with the protocol.

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Have advantage over your competition

Our testing module is a unique solution on the market – there are no other solutions that offer LwM2M interoperability tests out of the box.

Automate your work

Free your developers from any manual work – utilize our CI/CD integration to automatically run the tests every time you update your device’s software.

Develop your own tests with an easy-to-use editor

We prepared many basic actions, such as Read, Write, Execute, Discover, Delete, and more as well as advanced actions, such as Loop or Wait to build more complex test cases. What’s more, you can also create your own test scenarios or have us prepare custom test cases upon your request.

Let’s talk

If you'd like to talk to our sales team about our products, go to the contact form or write to us directly at sales@avsystem.com.