Customer Experience Management Platform

WiFi Service Assurance

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Excel your customers' WiFi experience and ensure access layer performance with one platform, on truly open standards.
A proven way to generate upsell, reduce churn, and optimize Customer Care operations.
ACS in a nutshell
Customer Experience Management Platform in a nutshell
  • Focus on subscribers' WiFi experience
  • Speed tests - TR-143, TR-471, Ookla*
  • Customer Care workflows for efficient troubleshooting
  • Managerial overview of the entire network performance
  • Self-management app integration
Discover CEM Platform features designed to optimize every aspect of your WiFi service assurance and access layer performance.
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Single Device Dashboard
AI-based scores and recommendations for 1st line Customer Care agents

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Population overwiew
Fault and performance management for 2nd/3rd line Customer Care agents

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Intervention Analytics
Detailed intervention reporting for Customer Care managers

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Mesh Map
LAN layout and WiFi experience visualization

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Speed Tests
TR-143/TR-471 compliant speed tests and Ookla integration

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Smart WiFi
Tackling crowded environments through channel congestion reduction and WIFi configuration management

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Tools for end-customers to resolve issues independently

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End-to-End Service Assurance
Last mile insights related to access layer (FTTx, FWA, HFC)

One CEM platform - multiple benefits for your teams

Customer Care

Customer Care operations can be time-consuming and require significant human resources. Moreover, CC staff often needs more data to perform relevant troubleshooting actions or provide accurate feedback on the root cause of the issue.

The Customer Experience Management Platform allows them to:

  • Utilize automated fixes to improve customer WiFi experience

  • Simplify staff onboarding with scripts and workflows

  • Monitor and improve staff performance

  • Get actionable signals from a particular device

Network operations

Network Operators and Network Engineers require a solution based on open standards (TR-069 and TR-369) to avoid vendor lock-in. Proprietary agent-based solutions may not be deployed on every device type, while non-BBF-originated communication protocols aren’t truly open for management server vendors.

With our Customer Experience Management Platform, they can:

  • Prevent service outages

  • Apply fix actions by bulk to classified devices

  • Monitor whole CPEs population performance

  • Utilize CPE performance data for upgrades or purchases


From the CTO's and senior management's perspective, chosen tools must apply to all access technologies, device types, and various vendors. What is more, they need a solution that comprehensively collects, analyses, and presents data.

The Customer Experience Management Platform:

  • Covers LAN/WAN performance monitoring for all access technologies

  • Provides E2E customers’ experience overview in a single platform

  • E2E customers’ experience view within a single platform

  • Helps to avoid vendor lock-in with truly open standards

Product management and marketing

The Customer Experience Management Platform has extensive analytics capabilities and collects various data, providing additional growth opportunities:

  • Run targeted and effective WiFi extender upselling campaigns

  • Monitor data usage and upgrade most active customers

  • Discover customers' paint points to improve service quality

Customer Care operations can be time-consuming and require significant human resources. Moreover, CC staff often needs more data to perform relevant troubleshooting actions or provide accurate feedback on the root cause of the issue.

The Customer Experience Management Platform allows them to:

  • Utilize automated fixes to improve customer WiFi experience

  • Simplify staff onboarding with scripts and workflows

  • Monitor and improve staff performance

  • Get actionable signals from a particular device

Network Operators and Network Engineers require a solution based on open standards (TR-069 and TR-369) to avoid vendor lock-in. Proprietary agent-based solutions may not be deployed on every device type, while non-BBF-originated communication protocols aren’t truly open for management server vendors.

With our Customer Experience Management Platform, they can:

  • Prevent service outages

  • Apply fix actions by bulk to classified devices

  • Monitor whole CPEs population performance

  • Utilize CPE performance data for upgrades or purchases

From the CTO's and senior management's perspective, chosen tools must apply to all access technologies, device types, and various vendors. What is more, they need a solution that comprehensively collects, analyses, and presents data.

The Customer Experience Management Platform:

  • Covers LAN/WAN performance monitoring for all access technologies

  • Provides E2E customers’ experience overview in a single platform

  • Connects legacy devices and present fleet for operational continuity

  • Helps to avoid vendor lock-in with truly open standards

The Customer Experience Management Platform has extensive analytics capabilities and collects various data, providing additional growth opportunities:

  • Run targeted and effective WiFi extender upselling campaigns

  • Monitor data usage and upgrade most active customers

  • Discover customers' paint points to improve service quality

Join 300+ telecom leaders who brought CPE management to the next level:
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Contact us to excel your customers' WiFi experience
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